VBCDC wants you to know that your health is of the utmost importance to us.
Please contact our team at the numbers below during normal business hours to schedule an appointment at our offices. We hope to hear from you soon!
• For General Office Information or a Dial by Name Directory, please call 757-463-9516
• For Leasing Inquiries, please call 757-500-2737
• For Property Management, please call 757-500-2747
• For Veterans Services, please call 757-500-2754
• For Maintenance Needs, please call 757-500-2753
• For Food Pantry Assistance, please call 757-500-2759
• Documents and payments can be put in the drop box located to the right of the front door.
Thank You for Your Patience and Stay Well!
Homeless Management Information System
The Virginia Beach Community Development Corporation is a participant of the Virginia Beach continuum of care Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), which is used to record and store client-level information about the numbers, characteristics, and needs of persons who use homeless housing and supportive services and for persons who receive assistance for persons at risk of homelessness.
HMIS is used to aggregate data about the extent to and nature of homelessness over time; produce an unduplicated count of homeless persons; understand patterns of service use; and measure the effectiveness of homeless assistance projects and programs. Data produced is used for planning and education.